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SET release specific warnings
SET project


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SET release specific warnings

The users of the SET software (SET Tool and SET Web) should be aware of the following:

  Apply to release
  V1.0 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4 V2.0 V2.1 V2.2 V2.3 V2.4
1 Fill all the fields of Step1_Input_A page (lacking data are not detected but many data are mandatory for successfully uploading data in Performance_Comparison page) X                  
2 The list of values for "Role" in Performance_Comparison page could show only one value ("I am just testing the tool"): in this case you should select again your language in Start page to obtain a full values list for "Role" (necessary to upload data) X                  
3 The release does not support the future reload of data within newer tool versions X                  
4 The input fields with dropdown menu (list of admitted value) do not signal an error when writing any other value; anyhow please select only one of the listed values to avoid errors when processing data X X                
5 When you open an already filled SET file, you should reopen ALL the forms used to input energy consumption data and monthly data, so to allow the tool to update all the output graphs and values X X X              
6 Avoid using decimal separators, you should insert only integer values, rounding the decimals (for example “101,2” becomes “102”) X X X              
7 After filling the Step2_Input_Processes page, if you come back to Step1_Input_A page and change the kind of production, then you must open again the Step2_Input_Processes page in order to update it X X X              
8 After filling monthly data, the yearly data is overwritten by the sum of monthly data, even if the monthly data list is empty. So you have to fill again the yearly data in case of zero overwriting X X X              
9 The release cannot be reused for more factories and/or more years related to same company (changing year or plant id is not enough) X X X              
10 The data reloading function (reload from exported data files)  is available but not stable (you can use a data reloading function fully operational starting from v2.1)           X        
11 After data reloading (reload from exported data files), if a language change is necessary it should be performed only AFTER having opened all the pages of the tool in order to recalculate the uploaded values.           X X      
12 When data are reloaded (reload from exported data files) the factory ID remains '01' even if the initial value was different (i.e. '02'); check it always after reloading and, if the case, edit the Factory in page STEP1_INPUTA           X X      
13 The average daily load curve at Step1_Input_A page is not saved rightly               X X  


Doriti sa vizualizati elaborarea statistica a datelor, compararea valorilor de referinta si toate serviciile conexe? Va rugam sa introduceti ID-ul unic si PIN-ul primite prin instrumentului SET dupa încarcarea datelor.

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